Unhappy that you can’t get an appointment at your GP surgery as quickly as you’d like? If so, you’re not alone – because GPs aren’t happy about it either.

Why then do we find ourselves in this sorry position? Part of the reason is because, as has being recently reported in the press 1200 GP Practices have closed since 2015 leaving England with fewer GP surgeries than ever before. Furthermore, rather than the promised increase in the number of family doctors, the last seven years have seen the loss of the equivalent of 2078 fully qualified full time GPs.

And so, with a 7% decrease in the number of GPs coinciding with a 7% increase in the country’s population, the number of patients per surgery is consequently at an all time high. Add to this the increasingly complex needs of an aging population, the long waiting times for those needing hospital treatment, and the all too frequent lack of both sufficient community care and even basic medicines, and it isn’t hard to understand why the pressure on primary care services is higher now than it has ever been before.

It comes as no surprise therefore that the Health Foundation’s report on General Practice described the current pressures as ‘unsustainable’, resulting as they do in GPs and, no doubt, their clinical and non clinical colleagues, experiencing higher workloads, increased levels of emotional distress, and significantly lower levels of job satisfaction. Whilst I am fortunate to work in a wonderfully supportive practice, one that is able to mitigate much of the stress that the job entails, it nonetheless remains the case that we too have not been unaffected by the current crises, unable as we have been to recruit an additional doctor to cope with the extra 1500 patients we were forced to take on a year or so ago after a neighbouring practice in the town collapsed.

Elsewhere however, in practices staffed by those less fortunate than I, where the struggles are so much greater than those with which we have had to contend, the situation is even worse. And for some it has already become impossible with the future looking only bleaker still.

Yet more worrying though is the effect that all of this is having on those with genuine medical need. Because the Health Foundation also reported that half of all GPs believe that patient care is suffering. This is something that should concern everyone irrespective of their current health – and all the more so given how it seems likely that the situation will only continue to get steadily worse.

So how long will your local health centre survive? Who can say, but is it any wonder that, with the future of General Practice in doubt, too few are considering entering the profession and many who are already in it are now looking elsewhere for possible future employment.

As you’ll see below, I myself have been busy honing my skills as a DJ in the event of my needing to find an alternative form of gainful employment. In the meantime though, I’m just hoping that there’s still a GP out there somewhere who can refer me to a plastic surgeon with a special interest in the treatment of those with absolutely no sense of rhythm and an equally meagre level of common sense.

Now has anyone got any Flamazine they could let me have?

Kermit the frog wasn’t available this evening so I donned my most appropriate coloured jumper and stepped in at the last minute to take his place. Turns out it isn’t easy being green.

The lyrics can be found along with links to other ill advised attempts at singing by clicking below. You have been warned!

Related posts:

To read ‘With time running out’, click here

To read ‘Wither tomorrow?’, click here

To read ‘The NHS Emporium’, click here

To read ‘On Approaching One’s Sell By Date’, click here

To read ‘General Practice – is time running out?’, click here

To read ‘Friday, Bloody Friday’, click here

To read ‘On being overwhelmed’, click here

To read ‘On Not Remotely Caring’, click here

To read ‘Contactless’, click here

To read ‘An Audience for Grief’, click here

To read ‘Vaccinating to remain susceptible’, click here

To read ‘Eleanor Rigby is not at all fine’, click here

To read ‘The Abolition of General Practice’, click here

To read ‘General Practice – still a sweet sorrow’, click here

To read ‘The Life I Lead’, click here

To read ‘When “Good enough” isn’t good enough’ click here

To read ‘Something to reflect on – are we too narcissistic?’, click here

To read ‘Too busy to be happy?’, click here

To read ‘The NHS – the ‘S’ is for service, not slave’, click here

To read ‘On keeping what we dare not lose’, click here

To read ‘Bagpuss and the NHS’, click here

To read ‘Health – it’ll be the death of us. Is there institutional arrogance in the NHS?’, click here

To read ‘On being crazy busy – a ticklish problem’, click here

To read ‘From A Distance’, click here

To read ‘I’ll miss this when we’re gone’, click here

To read ‘Don’t forget to be ordinary, if you want to be happy’, click here

Author: Peteaird

Nothing particularly interesting to say about myself other than after 27 years working as a GP, I was delighted, at the start of December 2023, to start work as the South West Regional Representative of the Slavic Gospel Association (SGA). You can read about what they do at sga.org.uk. I am also an avid Somerset County Cricket Club supporter and a poor example of a Christian who likes to put finger to keyboard from time to time and who is foolish enough to think that someone out there might be interested enough to read what I've written. Some of these blogs have grown over time and some portions of earlier blogs reappear in slightly different forms in later blogs. I apologise for the repetition. If you are involved in a church in the southwest of England and would like to hear more of SGA’s work, do get in touch. I’d love to come and talk a little, or even a lot, about what they get up to!.

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